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Collin Smith
Oct 7, 20229 min read
Engineering as Art
The tragic divorce of the STEM fields and the humanities was first documented in 1959 in C.P. Snow's seminal essay The Two Cultures and...

Rebekah Mohn
Oct 7, 20227 min read
Scientist and Christian: Is All Work Worship?
What is the value of my colored pencil drawing of tall thimbleweed (Anemone virginiana var. virginiana) that hangs on my living room...

Andrew Hansen
Mar 26, 202210 min read
My Gardening Mind
I recently read an article by Arthur Brooks which contends that cultivating multiple interests and doing different kinds of activities,...

Holiday Nelson
Oct 11, 20218 min read
Reflections on the Intersection of Nursing Ethics & Faith
As a nurse, there may be times where I won’t agree with what the patient or healthcare provider thinks is the best treatment. This could...

Janell Balmaceda
Apr 27, 20215 min read
The Role of Christians in the Extension of Justice to Creation
The joy that accompanies my tour of Spring Peeper Meadow is beyond words. Twenty-five years ago, the wetland was completely degraded....

Kate Rechtzigel
Jan 25, 20216 min read
Dairy Farming with Faith
Before the sun comes up, you can hear the sound of many alarm clocks going off and the distant clatter of boots on the floor as the many...

Mar 31, 20205 min read
Weedy Christianity or Musings of a Christian Weed Scientist
By Kenzie Barth What is a weed? A weed is usually defined as a plant growing in a place where it is not wanted. That definition makes the...

John Hill Price
Oct 31, 201910 min read
Caring for Creation through Agriculture
Christians of every profession must, at some point, ask themselves the role of their work in God’s order. Invariably, this discussion...

Sep 1, 201914 min read
Cultivating Soil and Virtue in the Christian Agrarian Tradition
By Zac McEachran Our environment is unhealthy; our earth “cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our...

Dec 1, 201611 min read
By Chris Korenczuk Since its inception, the human race has been perpetually driven by the desire for knowledge and understanding,...

Oct 31, 20169 min read
By Brad Gordon I cringe every time I hear pastors I respect quote the entity called “Science.” In these references, they are usually...

May 31, 20165 min read
By Megan Stevens Genetic Modification. Just speaking those words in a room creates a polarizing effect charged with passion, emotion, and...
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